Austin Blundy
Austin was born in Haywards Heath Hospital Sussex 1/11/2014 15:32 pm weighing 7lb 4oz.
Tim and Hayley were overjoyed about the birth of the beautiful Austin, he was perfect in every way.
I have put together a few photos of the big day plus a few of his next few months following Austins birth.
This day was one of the best days in my life being there while Hayley and Tim are in the Maternity ward waiting for Austin to arrive.
Me Treena (Hayleys mum) and Chloe were just outside the ward, when we saw Tim walking up the corridor carrying a small bundle back into the room where Hayley was recovering.
We were all so excited and eager to go and see all three of them, then Tim came up and we were on our way what joy when we saw Hayley and Austin he was so small and so cute Hayley was just smiling. it was all very emotional for everybody he was lovely and Hayley and Tim were so overjoyed with him. Hayley looked radiant considering what she had just been through and Tim was realy calm, such great caring new parents